Humid Music

With over ten year of experience in the music industry, performing in concert halls and arenas to recording, television and film studios, I have gained has a wealth of experience for the planning, operations, personnel, and logistical requirements for musicians and support personnel right across the industry.

As the Director of Humid Music Ltd., I draw on this experience to fix, manage and coordinate professional musicians for intimate performances to large scale arena productions.

Forget distant relationships; let someone take care of the management, coordination and finances of the musicians needed for your production, whether out on the road or while in residence. With experience both on stage and behind the scenes, I use my unique personable style to create a balance between the demands of musicians and the practicalities and business objectives of tour and concert management.

Clear communication, transparency and professionalism are important values to me, therefore, Humid Music will provide clear and detailed quotes for your production, straightforward contracts for musicians and the peace of mind that other influencing factors, such as the Musician’s Union guidelines, have been considered.

Not sure of where to start with the practical and logistical requirements of musicians? Let someone talk you through everything that will be needed to provide a positive and professional environment throughout your production's run, and help you put together a group of musicians who will collaborate and work well together.

As a violinist, I can also provide the added advantage of playing alongside the other musicians if required. From here, in the thick of it, any problems can be caught and resolved as soon as they arise, leaving a production’s management free to focus on other requirements.

E: | T: 07963284938

"A giant thank you for putting together the most wonderful string orchestra"

- Jeff Wayne -